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Frequency: Semiannual

Time to first decision: 9 Weeks

Submission to publication: 22 Weeks

Acceptance rate: 33%

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Issue 1 (June)

Vol. 5 (2023), FLCS

5 articles

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Journal Article
The Impact of Multimodal Communication on Language Learning Outcomes
by James Thomas
FLCS  2023 5(1):36; 10.69610/j.flcs.20230214 - 14 February 2023
The present study investigates the impact of multimodal communication on language learning outcomes. In recent years, the integration of various communication modalities, such as oral, written, visual, and gestural, has become increasingly prevalent in language education. This study aims to explore how the use of multiple communication modes affects the acquisition of language [...] Read more

Journal Article
The Influence of Social Media on Language Change and Development
by Olivia Jackson
FLCS  2023 5(1):37; 10.69610/j.flcs.20230314 - 14 March 2023
In the era of globalization and rapid technological advancement, social media has emerged as a powerful platform that facilitates communication and interaction on a global scale. This paper explores the influence of social media on language change and development. It argues that social media has significantly altered the dynamics of language use, leading to both the evolution o [...] Read more

Journal Article
The Influence of Sociocultural Factors on Language Acquisition
by David Jackson
FLCS  2023 5(1):38; 10.69610/j.flcs.20230414 - 14 April 2023
The paper explores the multifaceted influence of sociocultural factors on the process of language acquisition. Language is deeply intertwined with the cultural context in which it is learned and used. This study investigates how sociocultural elements such as family structure, community norms, educational practices, and media influence the language development of individuals. F [...] Read more

Journal Article
The Intersection of Language Policy and Educational Equity
by David Harris
FLCS  2023 5(1):39; 10.69610/j.flcs.20230514 - 14 May 2023
The Intersection of Language Policy and Educational Equity explores the complex relationship between language policies and their impact on educational outcomes and equity. This paper argues that language policies, which are often designed to promote national identity or to address language inequalities, can inadvertently exacerbate educational disparities. By examining various [...] Read more

Journal Article
The Role of Discourse Analysis in Modern Language Education
by John Martin
FLCS  2023 5(1):40; 10.69610/j.flcs.20230614 - 14 June 2023
The Role of Discourse Analysis in Modern Language Education explores the significance of incorporating discourse analysis into language teaching practices. In this paper, we argue that discourse analysis offers a comprehensive approach to understanding language beyond the confines of syntax and vocabulary. By examining the context, structure, and functions of language in variou [...] Read more
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